Monday, September 25, 2017

By:  Abby M. and Brynn B.
            Texas Tech v.s. Texas Longhorns
Who’s your favorite?  The  5th grade thoughts, are…

We were able to take 57 5th graders out of 72
and recorded our results.

We got many responses on our survey.  Sorry to let the Texas Longhorn fans down but as you saw on the chart Texas Tech was the mode.Texas  Tech got 38 votes, and Texas Longhorns got 19 votes out of 57 5th grade students.  So, that means 67% of the students voted for Tech.  Although many students didn’t like Texas Tech they voted for Tech anyway because their team was not on there.  Maybe your thoughts are different but for now these are 5th grades opinions for Tech v.s. Texas.   


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