Friday, January 26, 2018

NO Tide Pods! No!
By:Lily R
Image result for tide pods   People all around the world are EATING
them! WHY?  Videos circulating on social
media are showing kids biting into brightly
colored liquid laundry-detergent packets, or
cooking them in frying pans and then chewing
them up before spewing the soap from their
mouths.  Have you ever thought about doing
this challenge? Well, don’t! 100%: Do not do this! It’s laundry detergent,
and it goes with your clothes; not in your mouth. Tide Pods are made out
of poisonous chemicals like borax and sodium hydroxide.  Both of these
things will kill you.  It all started with a meme. Then, people have posted
YouTube videos of them eating them for attention.  Now, it has gone too
far and people are actually eating them.  But stay strong, because, hopefully,
YouTube will end it and the trend. They are taking the videos off YouTube.
So YAAA for YouTube.