Monday, March 19, 2018

“Ahhh” who doesn’t love Valentines Day?
The time of love and...candy.  But, do you
ever wonder how it came to be? Well, there
are two names for Valentine’s Day: the
traditional one and the other is called St.Valentine.
But, they both mean the same thing.  Also,
did you know that about 150 MILLION Valentine’s
Day card are given, which makes Valentine’s
day the second most card sending holiday right
under Christmas! I know that’s crazy! In addition,
do you wonder is Valentine’s day really a holiday?  
Well, when I was researching I found out that
it is not a public holiday ,but that doesn’t mean
we can’t celebrate it. To add on, Valentine’s day
has been going on for a very, very, very long time
back when the Romans were here but there
Valentine’s Day was a little messed up.  Their
Valentine’s Day involved wiping women with dead
animal hides draped over ropes. “I’m happy
I was not there with those crazy Romans!”...
“Ok!” Let’s go on with the article. Did you also
know that St. Valentine and Valentine were both
real people and the history behind them is that
they were both hanged on the same day; just in
different years!  That is probably just a coincidence
or the time and date were perfectly matched up.
Well, that is a few deep facts about Valentine’s day Thanks For Reading!

 By: Maddy S.

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