Friday, May 4, 2018

NBA Playoffs
By Colton O. Blake W. and Marchel T.
We are going to do a survey on who the people in 5th grade think is
going to win NBA playoffs.  Who do you think is going to make it to
the Finals? There are the Rockets, Timberwolves, Thunder, Jazz,
Trail Blazers, Pelicans, Golden State Warriors, Spurs, Raptors, Wizards,
Celtics, Bucks, 76ers, Heat, Pacers,and the Cavaliers. Here are our
results out of 35 students.(Note, only the teams that got at least one

The NBA conference finals are May 15-16.(But, could be moved
up to May 13-14)  The NBA Finals start on May 31. This is who
the 5th graders thought would win the 2018 NBA finals.  Who
knows who will make it but we can’t wait to see.

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