Monday, December 9, 2019

Pembroke Welsh Corgis!!!
By Vanessa B.

 Corgi literally means ‘’Dwarf Dog’’?
‘Dwarf” means little and short which is perfect for a Corgi!!!!

Corgi Facts:
  • They can live up to 12 - 15 Years , and that’s  a big life span!!!!
  • They usually weigh 27-30 Pounds.
  • The Pembroke Welsh Corgi was recognized by the AKC  (American Kennel
  • Club) in 1934. 
  • They have really short arms and legs, And  their height is 9.8-12 inches.

Comparing corgis with other dogs
  • Corgis Are the same as the Wiener dogs. They are both
  • short they both have stubby arms and stubby legs.

How do they feel when you leave them home? 
They do not like it because they are the type of dogs how die for attention.if you
have a corgi I recommend  for you to get a dogsitter for him/her.

Did  you know that the Vikings and the Flemish weavers brought them home
from Wales to use them as herding dogs!!!!!!
Do they have tails?
 A lot have no tails and we call those Stubs. they look like little balls on their
rear end that is why we call them stubs!!! 

Make sure to get them play toys because they have the urge to bite things so
the best choice is to buy them a squeaky toy

Do they like kids or adults ???

They like all the people 
except for a  fact dogs can smell if u are a bad person  or a good one they can
also smell if u have fear of them which is interesting  anyway...corgis like anyone
as long as well…. They are good people or good citizens.

Can corgis be mixed with other dogs????
Yes the most common is the husky mix the most one to happen is the Pomeranian

How much money do they cost?

Corgis usually cost about $600-$1000 .

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