Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Written by Mario M.
UIL is something that happens every year. UIL means (University Interscholastic League).  The University Interscholastic League is an organization that creates rules for and administers almost all athletic, fine arts,and academic contests for public, primary, and secondary schools in the state of Texas.  The University Interscholastic League was founded in 1910. UIL is optional for everyone.  At Village Elementary, we participate in most of the UIL activities.  I participate in Dictionary this year.  When you join UIL then your group gets a day to practice for the next 4 months. At  the  end  of  the  four  months  you  get  to  go  to  east  view  in  January  to  compete   against   other  schools.    

Mario with his dictionary 


  1. Mario, I'm glad you decided to write about UIL. I don't think a lot of people know about UIL academic competitions.

    I used to coach UIL Dictionary Skills many years ago. I had so much fun with my students, digging into words. Good luck with your practice and competition!

  2. Can't wait to hear how everyone does at the UIL competition! Good for you for taking the time to prepare! You'll do great!

  3. I'm excited to hear about how well y'all will do! Good luck!

  4. I participated in UIL from the time I was in third grade until I graduated from High School. I even got to go to the state competition when I was a Senior in Informative Speaking. Keep working hard!
    Mrs. Barker
