Wednesday, May 3, 2017

5th Grade
Comic Strips
Starring: Paul Revere
By:  Arianna Franco

“As soon as Paul walked into the battle, he was in trouble!”

Right now, in 5th grade, we are learning about the F-A-M-O-U-S… PAUL REVERE!!!!! In Mrs. knudsen’s class, we are making comic strips all about Paul Revere. Believe it or not, these comics are worth a lot of our grade! The boxes have to be PERFECT! Your coloring has to be good, and when you draw it can’t look sloppy! MMM MMM NO MA’AM IT CAN’T!!! I liked making the comics because it gives you a way to express yourself comically. Any of the people that are going to be in 5th grade next year, I hope you know what is coming!

The British are coming, the British are coming!!!!”- Paul Revere

Free photo: Paul Revere, Boston, Statue - Free Image on Pixabay ...

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