Monday, December 4, 2017

      Written by: Lily R. with assistance by: Sofia P.
                           and  Angelina R.

From the left: Sofia P., Mrs. Partida, Angel R., and Lily R.

About Mrs.Partida:
Mrs. Partida has recently moved from being a 4th grade math teacher to a math interventionist teacher and I would love to see how she likes her job being a math interventionist. So, we are doing an interview with her.
US-How do like your job?
Mrs.Partida-I love my new job! I think what I like most is I get to work with a lot of different grade levels.
US-Would you like to be a teacher again?
Mrs.Partida-I miss teaching 4th grade and I miss being in the classroom but I am happy with my change!
Us-If you had to be a teacher again what grade would you teach?
Mrs.Partida-Oh that's a good one, I’d probably go back to 3rd or 4th grade.
US-If you had a different job what would it be?
Mrs.Partida-So, if I wasn’t a teacher, I would want to own my own flower shop and make bouquets and homecoming mums.
Us-Do you wish you had a class pet, If so what animal?
Mrs.Partida-I love not having to clean Hamilton's stinky cage, but I would love to bring my Bella here. Bella the beagle.
US- What grades do you tutor?
Mrs.Partida-I work with kinder-5th grade math, so all the grades and they all have something that is my favorite about them.
US-Who was/is your inspiration to be a teacher?
Mrs.Partida- So, I had lots of really good teachers growing up and I had some that were not so good and that always made me feel unwanted and not smart. So, I felt like I needed to prove (something to) them, but I always wanted to be a teacher. Like when I was little, I would set up my dolls and play school and I would have a list of names and call rollcall.
                      What we learned
We learned that Mrs. Partida loves her new job and that she does not have to clean Hamilton’s, the hamster, stinky cage, but she would love to bring her puppy Bella here.  She also always wanted to be a teacher and she learned a lot from the teachers she had - good and the bad.

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