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What is Anime? Anime is Japanese cartoon.
It consists of characters with exaggerated
features, and unique personalities.
It is always drawn traditionally (on paper),
but it is usually done in different styles, in their
own way. It is a cute way to draw, and it is very
popular. It is a very traditional Japanese art.
When did it start? Anime can be tracked
all the way down to the 20th century, and is
apparently based on Americans. The people
in Tokyo, Japan actually draw anime more
than they make toilet paper! The first anime
films were hand drawn. Anime was some
of the most popular movies and shows in
that time. In The Anime the style they over
exaggerate the facial features. Outside of
Japan anime is often described as colorful
graphics, magical ,or fantastical settings,
and spirited character.
These are the most popular Anime
Kiki’s delivery serves
The cat returns
Whisper of the heart
Pokemon heros
Pokemon 4ever
Pokemon 3 the movie
Pokemon journey to the jonio league
The secret world of Arrietty 
What types of anime? Anime started as
Mangas, then they were copied in to a
fun cartoon looking art, which was then
named as anime. There are also kid Anime,
it is named Kodmo ,it is like Hello Kitty and
Pokemon. Millions of animes are out there,
not just one are out there: Suhas, Shonen,
Shojo, Seinen, Josie, Hentia, Ecchi, Herem, and ReverseHerem.
How many people watch anime? Anime is a
fun thing to watch in your spare time, or read.
Anime is made different in many ways.
Therefore anime is made for all ages, this is a
exhilarating thing to watch and read, you do
not have to read or watch anime if you do not
like it. 71 Million people watch Anime. Tokyo,
Japan started anime, 90% of Japan watches Anime.
Anime Expo Anime expo is when devoted
fans dress up as their favorite anime characters.
They often hand make their costumes, or
(“cosplays”). At these events merchandise is
sold. The lines are always almost an hour of
Thank you for reading this article,
it truly means a lot to Riah & I.
Know, if someone asks you what
anime is you can completely blow
their minds in the process of telling
them all these wonderful facts,
and if you are a true anime lover
you may now know some new
facts. I hope I inspired you to
go out there and tell someone
the cool stuff you just read.
By:Emma E & Riah