Thursday, April 26, 2018

Village M.A.R.E 2017-2018

by:Emma E  
The Village has an event once every year.  
The event is called M.A.R.E. M.A.R.E stands for
Marine-Activities-Research -Education if you were
curious. The students get to learn about sea life.  
Each grade gets to do a different part of the sea.
For example, Pre K gets to do waterfalls. Kindergarten
learns about ponds. First grade learns and studies
about the Rocky Seashore.  Second grade examines
the sandy beaches. Third grade researches the swamps
and marches. Fourth grade overlooks the kelp forest. Fifth grade takes a jump into the
deep sea. Pre kindergarten, kindergarten, first grade, and second grade all do their
work at school making the ecosystems and sea life.   Also, third grade, fourth grade,
and fifth grade do life size projects at home. The projects are the sea life they learn about.
They learn about ecosystems as well. We research, study, and educate ourselves with
the oceans’ ecosystems.


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