Thursday, December 6, 2018

                                                           by:Payton. W & Rowan. H

 Do you want to learn how to make Oobleck?  Get your materials and let's
make some Icky! Sticky! Oobleck!  Oobleck is fascinating when you play
with it. Furthermore, Oobleck is very mesmerizing.   Oobleck is not similar
to playdough.  Next, The molecules come together and fall apart in oobleck
which is the reason why it changes its state of matter. When oobleck has
pressure on it the molecules come together and oobleck becomes a solid
but, when Oobleck has  no pressure on it the molecules fall apart and become
a liquid.

 Materials:Cornstarch, Water, Food coloring(optional)
   A bowl, and a spoon or use your hands instead.                              
Step 1: Start by pouring ½ cups of cornstarch into your bowl. Then pour in
¼ cup of water.

Step 2: Once the ingredients are in your mixing bowl, get your spoon or
hands and mix until thoroughly mixed.

After these simple steps you should be getting a solid and a liquid at the
same time.                                                                                        
            Have a great time! Get messy! And learn a lot!


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