Monday, December 3, 2018

A Thanksgiving Treat
By:Ruby H. & Emilee J.
   Do you like Thanksgiving and treats?  If you do lucky
for you! We are showing you how to make a cute Thanksgiving
treat. We are going to be showing you all the ingredients for the treats.  
There are 5 steps for creating a pilgrim hat cookie.

Pilgrim Hat Treats
Pilgrim Hat Ingredients:   
  • Small Reese’s
  • Keebler fudge striped Cookie
  • M&Ms
  • Yellow Frosting

Step 1: Take the cookie and put yellow frosting around
the inside circle.

Step 2: Put the Reese's on the yellow frosting.

Step 3: Put a circle of yellow frosting at the bottom of
the Reese's.

Step 4: Then put the m&m on the yellow frosting.

Step 5: Now you can eat or share this delicious treat!

I hope you try this for Thanksgiving dessert! If you
do, we hope you enjoy!

Emilee wearing a cookie hat

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