Thursday, February 22, 2018

Village Elementary Science Fair
By: Emma.E and Colton .
Science Fair 2018- It is going to have challenging projects,
that, to be honest, your parents do most of.  Every year you
do it again with something different.  The judges are going
to be looking for something completely new.  The most
challenging thing is pre-k-2nd has to create the same plotted
experiments.   So it is quite challenging to make something
stand out.  The 3rd-4th have an option to do their experiments,
so it is much easier to find the winner, but the 5th graders have
no choice. They are required to do an experiment. The science
fair for 3rd-5th you have an option of what experiments you want
to do, so you have more freedom to do what you you want.  You
can do anything from ‘how far can you throw different things’ to
‘what temperature can sugar dissolve fastest in’.  The 5th graders
get graded on their experiments, and they all have to do a project,
therefore it is much harder to win considering there are 72 kids.  
The kids in other grades don't often get graded on their project.  
So, now we are going to talk about the fair and what time we
started on our projects. The projects are all due on the 22nd.  
But the fair is on the 23rd of February.  The fair starts at 8:00 A.M
on the 23rd.   When we present our project we have to talk  to
Judges from Dell .  We have to look them in the eye and try not
to look at our board.  We are going to head on out.  See you later
in a new article.  

     NO Caffeine for Kids
         :  By: Tessa H  :
Have you ever seen a kid walk out of a coffee
shop with a very large cup of frappuccino or coffee?
I am writing this article because doctors have proven
that too much caffeine is actually really dangerous,
but nobody has really listened.   
Coffee from Starbucks. This size is fine but any larger for you kids Isn’t.
I bet your thinking about scrolling past this article and I
don’t have a say in this, but this is really important
cause guess what? A kid actually had a heart attack
from too much caffeine. Yeah. This is to all the
caffeine addicted kids around the world.  IF you
drink a very large amount normally, you could get
addicted and drink more and eventually it can clog
the intestines and lead to a heart attack and may even
lead to death.  Be careful what you do in life because
it could have huge effects.


Wednesday, February 21, 2018

by: Addy G Lily M
Q: What kind of dinosaur loves to sleep?
A: A stega-snore-us.

Q: What has a face and two hands, but no arms or legs?
A: A clock.

Q: Everyone has it, and no one can lose it. What is it?
A: A shadow.


Dog’s vs. Cat’s
By: Blake Wyche and Alex Davis

The dog lover will be Blake Wyche and the
Cat lover is Tessa Heidkamp.
This is Blakes reason about how dogs are
better than cats:
“Dogs are better because people have been
saying for hundreds of years that dogs are
man's best friend and also helpful to humans.
They can retrieve stuff for you and  they are very
good at obeying. They're very easy for training
if you do it the right way. Cats are very vicious
and mean. Plus they aren't very  obedient.
Dogs aren't lazy and  you can't train cats
because they don't pay attention. Also, as
Lily M. says,  ‘Cats are the worst. They aren’t
very friendly’.”

This is Tessa’s reasons cats are better: I think
cats are better because they are very good
friends.  They can help people with Special Ed
issues because they're so calming and they're
super good friends for other people who like cats.

In conclusion, nobody can agree which is better
and we probably won’t stop arguing about it.

Thursday, February 8, 2018

Facts About Dogs
By: Nyla Maddy and Lindsey

Domestic dogs and wolves are part of a large
taxonomic family called Canidae, which also
includes coyotes, foxes and jackals. The Canidae
family includes 14 genera and 34 species.
Also, there are over 150 kind of dog breeds in the
world and some are probably yet to be discovered!  
To add on, smaller dogs could actually live longer
than bigger dogs, but we all love are dogs the same.
Have you ever wondered how many teeth does an
adult dog and a puppy have? Well, the adult dog has
42 teeth and the puppies have 28 teeth. Man that’s a
lot of teeth!  
If you look in the photo on the left you can see a
dog but it’s not any dog; it’s a therapy dog. Your
probably thinking “does this dog talk, because i want
one.” well, sorry to break your dreams but no. He is
there because he is helping his owner and I know that
every dog is supposed to help its owner. but, a therapy
dog helps its owner by helping them if their owner is
blind or if they can’t walk or any other disabilities.
So now you know what a therapy dog does.

Different kinds of breeds
From most popular in the U.S
1.Labrador retriever
2. German Shepherd
3. Golden Retriever
4. Bulldog
5. Beagle
6. French Bulldog
7. Poodle
8. Rottweiler
9. Yorkshire terrier
10. Boxer  
We got this list from American Kennel Club of 2016

Well, except we’re talking about breeds. My favorite is
the Weimaraner and husky
Nyla’s favorite kind of dog is a teacup yorkie.
                     Isn’t it cute!!
    And there’s some facts about dogs and breeds
                   Thank you for reading!

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

By: Abby M., Addy G., Brynn B.
No cable? No problem! You have
got Netflix and Hulu. They are
replacements of cable, but which
one is better? We interviewed ¾
of the 5th grade to see if they like
Netflix or Hulu better.  Hulu is close
to having cable but a little cheaper
and easier to use. And, Netflix is a
combination of t.v shows and

Sorry for the Hulu lovers but
Netflix won with  78.8%.
Hulu got second place at 12.1%,
and 9.1% of the 5th graders chose
something other than Netflix or
Hulu. Now, you know what the
majority of 5th graders think.
When have no cable, it’s up to
you. Make sure to comment which
one you like better.

Tuesday, February 6, 2018


Cats are the second most popular
pets in the world, right behind dogs.
They were the most popular pet in
Ancient Egypt, saying this they were
also worshipped by the Egyptians
for centuries. There are about 42  
different species of house cats in
the entire world, and the largest
species is the Ragdoll. They can
reach up to 4’’6.
But of course, I can’t leave out the
smallest cat, witch is the Singapura.
(This is a Singapura: )
Ways to tell if a cat is warming up
to you, or likes you include when
they do a circle sort of motion around
your legs, bringing you “presents” or
(AKA something that they kill), head
butting you, staring etc.
In conclusion, if you are thinking
about getting a cat, or are getting
one just know that not all cats like
to cuddle and be held.

Thanks for reading!

By: Uriyah D.

Monday, February 5, 2018

     Eagles V.S. Patriots

By:Ryan B,Jake M.,Tate R.,Davyn S,and Chance K.

We did this article to see 5th Grades' thoughts
about the Patriots and the Eagles.                                   
Our prediction is that the Eagles are going to
win the survey, but in the Super Bowl the
Patriots are going to win! We thought the
Patriots were going to win because they
already won 5 Super Bowls. Lets see who
is going to win the survey.


The Patriots won the survey,and they will
probably win the Super Bowl too, but who
do YOU think is the best team?