Village Elementary Science Fair
By: Emma.E and Colton .
Science Fair 2018- It is going to have challenging projects,
that, to be honest, your parents do most of. Every year you
do it again with something different. The judges are going
to be looking for something completely new. The most
challenging thing is pre-k-2nd has to create the same plotted
experiments. So it is quite challenging to make something
stand out. The 3rd-4th have an option to do their experiments,
so it is much easier to find the winner, but the 5th graders have
no choice. They are required to do an experiment. The science
fair for 3rd-5th you have an option of what experiments you want
to do, so you have more freedom to do what you you want. You
can do anything from ‘how far can you throw different things’ to
‘what temperature can sugar dissolve fastest in’. The 5th graders
get graded on their experiments, and they all have to do a project,
therefore it is much harder to win considering there are 72 kids.
The kids in other grades don't often get graded on their project.
So, now we are going to talk about the fair and what time we
started on our projects. The projects are all due on the 22nd.
But the fair is on the 23rd of February. The fair starts at 8:00 A.M
on the 23rd. When we present our project we have to talk to
Judges from Dell . We have to look them in the eye and try not
to look at our board. We are going to head on out. See you later
in a new article.