Tuesday, February 6, 2018


Cats are the second most popular
pets in the world, right behind dogs.
They were the most popular pet in
Ancient Egypt, saying this they were
also worshipped by the Egyptians
for centuries. There are about 42  
different species of house cats in
the entire world, and the largest
species is the Ragdoll. They can
reach up to 4’’6.
But of course, I can’t leave out the
smallest cat, witch is the Singapura.
(This is a Singapura: )
Ways to tell if a cat is warming up
to you, or likes you include when
they do a circle sort of motion around
your legs, bringing you “presents” or
(AKA something that they kill), head
butting you, staring etc.
In conclusion, if you are thinking
about getting a cat, or are getting
one just know that not all cats like
to cuddle and be held.

Thanks for reading!

By: Uriyah D.

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