Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Dog’s vs. Cat’s
By: Blake Wyche and Alex Davis

The dog lover will be Blake Wyche and the
Cat lover is Tessa Heidkamp.
This is Blakes reason about how dogs are
better than cats:
“Dogs are better because people have been
saying for hundreds of years that dogs are
man's best friend and also helpful to humans.
They can retrieve stuff for you and  they are very
good at obeying. They're very easy for training
if you do it the right way. Cats are very vicious
and mean. Plus they aren't very  obedient.
Dogs aren't lazy and  you can't train cats
because they don't pay attention. Also, as
Lily M. says,  ‘Cats are the worst. They aren’t
very friendly’.”

This is Tessa’s reasons cats are better: I think
cats are better because they are very good
friends.  They can help people with Special Ed
issues because they're so calming and they're
super good friends for other people who like cats.

In conclusion, nobody can agree which is better
and we probably won’t stop arguing about it.

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