Thursday, February 22, 2018

     NO Caffeine for Kids
         :  By: Tessa H  :
Have you ever seen a kid walk out of a coffee
shop with a very large cup of frappuccino or coffee?
I am writing this article because doctors have proven
that too much caffeine is actually really dangerous,
but nobody has really listened.   
Coffee from Starbucks. This size is fine but any larger for you kids Isn’t.
I bet your thinking about scrolling past this article and I
don’t have a say in this, but this is really important
cause guess what? A kid actually had a heart attack
from too much caffeine. Yeah. This is to all the
caffeine addicted kids around the world.  IF you
drink a very large amount normally, you could get
addicted and drink more and eventually it can clog
the intestines and lead to a heart attack and may even
lead to death.  Be careful what you do in life because
it could have huge effects.


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