Thursday, September 20, 2018

            Our Favorite Sports
                  By: Ben K and Jett W

By Jett:
To begin with, I love football, and it’s my
favorite sport. I started to play football
when I was in kindergarten, and have been playing every year since then. If you play football or watch football you have to have a favorite team. My two favorite teams for NFL and NCAA are the Dallas Cowboys and the Texas A&M Aggies. I think football is the best sport because it’s intense, fun, and it takes a lot of athleticism. Therefore, football is my favorite sport.

By Ben:
First of all, my favorite sport is
soccer. I have been playing since
preschool and I love to play. I play at
School with my friends and at
home with my brothers. I am going
to play at Benold Middle School and
then in high school and college.
Another good thing is that Soccer helps with
eye coordination and with leg strength.
When I am older I want to play pro soccer.

So therefore, soccer is my favorite sport.

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