Monday, September 24, 2018

MLB Postseason
By Aiden H.
Who do you think is going to win the World Series?
These are the teams that will be in the  playoffs:
American League
The Houston Astros  won last year.
The Boston Red Sox this season have 96 wins and 44 loses.
The Cleveland Indians have some really good pitching for example
Trevor Bauer 2.22 ERA.

National League
The Atlanta Braves have shocked the world with a 84 and 64 record.  
The Chicago Cups are a fan favorite.
The Colorado Rockies have a 81 and 65 record.
Wild Card
Now, the wild card is for teams that are in 2nd places in their division
and have a good record. Meanwhile the top two teams will face off.

American League
The Yankees have some very good hitters.
The Twins have young but very talented players.
The Athletics rival the Astros so they are very good.

National League
The Phillies have a 74 and 71 record.
The Brewers have some very powerful hitters.
The Dodgers made it to the world series last year.

copyright: Houston Astros
So, who do you think is going to win the World Series?

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