Wednesday, October 2, 2019

 America's part in
World War ll 
By Ryland & Malaki

December 7th, 1941
                  Britain, France, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, China
and other countries call themselves the allies and are fighting the Axis
powers which are Germany, Italy, Hungary, Romania, Japan,and Bulgaria. 
The U.S tried to stay out of the war as long as possible, until December 7th,
1941. Jappenese bomber planes attacked Pearl Harbor. At 6:18 a.m,
Japan sent two waves of fighter planes, level and dive bombers, and
torpedo bombers launched from 6 aircraft carriers. All 8 of the U.S battleships
were damaged or sunk.

June 6th,1944
         The Germans invaded france and torcherd the French until June 6th,
1944.  More than 160,000 Allied troops invaded France. They landed along a
50 mile stretch of heavily armed french coast line, to fight Nazi Germany on the
beaches of Normaday, France.  More than 5,000 ships and 13,000 aircraft helped
the D-Day invasion. The allies kept moving towards Germany. Adolf Hitler was
the leader of the Nazis. He had no idea that there would be an attack.  During
the attack, Hitler was on a vacation in the German mountains. It was said that
D-Day was the beginning of the end of WW2.

December 16,1944
             The Battle of the Bulge was the largest battle fought by the Americans
in World WarTwo.  600,000 American troops were involved in the battle. The
Americans lost 81,000 men while the Germans lost 100,000 killed, wounded
and captured.  The Battle of the Bulge was Germany's defeat and the end of
the war in Europe came sooner, and at a lower cost in Allied lives than it would
have otherwise.  The Battle of the Bulge, was the last major Nazi attack in World War II.  


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