Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Flexible Seating
Pros and Cons   
By:Susanna, Sydney, Wendy
Have you been wanting flexible seating in your classroom?  
We interviewed a few teachers and we got there opinion.  The
first person we interviewed was Mrs.Blankenship.                                          
       Mrs. Blankenship                                                                                                                  
We asked her a few questions.  First ,we asked Mrs. Blankenship
if she liked flexible seating. She said ”Yes and no. I do like
flexible seating.  It gives my students options,  but I also don't
like it because kids will sit by people they are going to talk to,
and they get distracted which makes the teacher gets distracted.  
Next, we asked Mrs. Blankenship if she would like to keep
flexible seating?  Mrs. Blankenship replied, “ Yes, I want to
keep flexible seating, but there was a problem with the yoga
balls.  They broke very easily.” Then, we asked Mrs. Blankenship  
if she thinks flexible seating helps kids.  “No, I do not think
flexible seating helps kids.” she replied. Lastly, we asked her
if there are consequences.   She replied “The kids get to pick
their seat when they come in, and if they start to talk and get
distracted they will get a warning but after that they will have
to move seats.”                    

The second teacher we asked was Mrs Knudsen.
Mrs. Knudsen
We asked her a few questions. First, we asked Mrs.Knudsen if she
liked flexible seating.   She said, “I do like flexible seating.  
It helps kids be creative and let them explore their minds, it also
lets them be independent.” Next, we found out what Mrs. Knudsen
doesn't like about flexible seating.  Mrs. Knudsen replied, “ That
the kids don’t have anywhere to put their things, so their supplies
have to go in crates, otherwise it makes the floor cluttered and it's
hard to get around to every kid.” Afterward, we asked Mrs. Knudsen
if she wanted to keep flexible seating. she replied, “Yes, because it's
more comfortable and it helps kids when we do group activities and
partners.”  The last question we asked was “Do you think flexible
seating helps kids?” She said  “Yes, it helps kids to feel comfortable
and be happy to be in my class.”  

Mrs. Miller and Mrs. Malina

We asked the 4th grade teachers a few questions,
“Do you have flexible seating?”  They said, “Yes we do,”
Our second question was, “Do you like flexible seating?”  
They replied, “No, we don’t like flexible seating because of
the clutter and our students destroy the furniture.”   The
third question we asked was “Do you want to keep flexible
seating?” Mrs.Malina replied “No, I have a grant and I don’t like
it because the kids wreck the furniture.” The last question we
asked was, “Do you think it helps kids?” she replied, “Yes, some
kids do need it and some kids don’t.

Thank you for reading and thank you to all the teachers
who helped us make this article.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for explaining flexible seating. I really enjoyed the article!
