Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Village Grow Garden                  
By McD & Olie
The Village Grow Garden is an important part of
Village Elementary. It was started by Lindsey McDaniel
and Caroline Rosenbaum. At first, Lindsey and
Caroline thought planting a garden at Village was a
crazy idea. They were researching to see if any other
schools have planted gardens on their campuses.  
After a few weeks of researching, they became more
confident about the idea while seeing that many
schools had done it. The two went to the Village principal,
Debra Barker, and asked if they could have permission
to plant a garden. Once she approved the idea, they
got to work. When Lindsey went home, she asked her
husband Ben to help build the garden. The Village Grow
Garden was born.  A few weeks later Ben got to work
getting supplies from the store and came up with a plan.
Ben, started to build the wicking beds where everything
would be planted. Once he finished laying the tarp at the
bottom and the dirt on the top he installed an irrigation
system. Next, they ordered many plants but had to wait
awhile until they came. Once the plants arrived, they
hired some workers to help them . They finished
planting and about 3 weeks later and they introduced
the Garden to the kids of Village Elementary. After a
few weeks, Lindsay made posters to inform the kids
about the garden.  The kids were eager to see the
Garden. She went to a few classes and told the
kids about the garden, then the classes received
seeds to plant in the planting boxes.  When the
year was over, the summer came dashing by.  So
when the next school year came the two didn’t
realize how much the Garden needed them. After
discussing with a few volunteers Lindsey and
Caroline decided to take more care of the Garden.
But Lindsey came across an issue. Her daughter
Emily, was going into 5th grade and that would be
Emily's last year in elementary school. Caroline
also had a problem. Her son Hudson,was going
into 6th. So, in the long run they had to retire
from the garden. So the two started to look for
some new leaders to run the garden. After a
short time they found somebody new. Her name
is Leslie Walker. She had plenty of time to run the
Garden because she had some younger kids that
would stay at Village for a few more years. But
hopefully the garden would stay apart of Village
Elementary for a long while after them.

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