Should Teachers Have class pets?
by Blake G.
Mrs. Seaback's class pet |
Peaches, the guinea pig |
Does your teacher have a class pet? If not, which pet would you like to have if you got a class pet? This year my homeroom teacher does not have one, but my science teacher has some fish. Last year, my homeroom teacher had 4 class pets! There was a bearded dragon (lizard), turtle ,fish, and a frog. I believe kids like having class pets because they get to feed it and look at it. I think some teachers have class pets to teach responsibilities . When I had class pets the kids had their own turn when they got to feed the pet which is fun. Part of responsibilities to having a class pet are remembering to feed the pet and giving it clean water every morning. I think the most common pet is a fish, hamster, and a guinea pig. .I think a lot of teachers have fish because they are so cool to look at. Most of the fish that are class pets have super cool tanks with things that flow through the water and fun statues to look at. Hamsters and guinea pigs are cool because they run around and run on their wheel. My favorite part of having a hamster is that the kids get to hold it and pet it. Fish, hamsters, and guinea pigs cheer people up when be stressed out or sad. My favorite part of having a class pet is that if kids at home don't have a pet they have a pet at school to look at.
Awesome I love this Article .From Wendy