Monday, April 17, 2017

Camp Crosby
By Ava Lester
 On April 9, Mason Crosby, a player on the Green Bay Packers’ team, led a camp that included outdoor sports. The activities were football, lacrosse, basketball, baseball, volleyball, dodgeball, track, golf, kites, and soccer. There were 20 groups of kids at the camp. Volunteers from Kohl’s and schools came to help out. Each group was full of kids around each other’s age. The people that came were from the elementary schools in Georgetown. Kids in sixth grade and up could help assist the groups.
  Camp Crosby was a part of The Locker program, which is about kids helping others. Crosby donated some of the money to help kids. Sonic made a generous offer: providing water for everyone.

 At Camp Crosby, every kid had the opportunity to find out which sport they want to play and what they are best at. Every person got along with each other and we all had a very enjoyable time. I would recommend going to this camp next year to either volunteer or participate in the sports.                              This is a picture of Mason Crosby playing lacrosse with kids.                                  -->

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