Tuesday, April 11, 2017

File:Barrel Racing Cowgirl (16024312157).jpg - Wikimedia Commons
The Safety of Horses
BY:Gracie Stephens
Do you enjoy horses?
Well, if you do, then stay tuned! So, what do you know about horses? If you have been around horses, you know that you always have to be prepared, because anything- anytime could happen. The first step of being around a horse is always knowing about your surroundings. For example, you should never get between them and another animal or between them and the fence.
    The second thing you should know is to never stand behind horses because you could be kicked! Trust me, you don't want to get behind a 1200 pound horse. I've been kicked and I'll say it didn't feel good.
The next safety fact is to always wear a helmet when riding because your horse could spook; leading you to fall off and get hurt. Like they say “better to be safe than sorry”.

I hope you got some information about the safety of horses. So, maybe you will want to go ride one day. Now, as they say: Saddle up, Boys, here we go!

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