Monday, October 2, 2017

Hurricane   Harveys   Oil  Panic!!

By  Savannah W.

        When Hurricane Harvey formed and came charging through Texas, he destroyed our 2 biggest oil factories which caused a BIG panic EVERYWHERE. The panic is that people think that now there is not enough oil since the factories are destroyed, so now people are filling up giant containers with gasoline and they are filling up their car when unneeded.  It could be filled up to the max and then they would use like 5 gallons and then go back to a gas tank and fill it up to the max again. Also, the people who have the gasoline stations are not helping either, they are raising the price for gas, and people raise prices when the item is HARD TO MAKE,HARD TO GET,   and when there's NOT MUCH OF IT LEFT. Now that is unhelpful because people think that they are raising the price of gas because it's “HARD TO GET” and “THERE'S NOT MUCH OF IT LEFT,” but THAT'S NOT TRUE AT ALL!!!! People are just wasting the gas but they think that they are conserving it. But, the truth is that we have plenty of gas and oil and just because the 2 BIGGEST got destroyed doesn't mean that there won't be enough oil and gas. We still have others. They may just not be as big, but so what?  Size doesn't matter that much. What does matter is that there is at least 1 or 2 oil factories so that we can have oil!!!! So don't be one of the oil panickers - if you are, you are only making the matter worse and wasting oil and gas!!

(These photos were taken and made just up to 10 or less days ago!!!! I got these pictures on Google so if you wish to see more type in hurricane Harvey (and whatever about Hurricane Harvey!)I hope you enjoyed these facts about hurricane Harvey and the oil panic!! :)

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