Tuesday, October 17, 2017

       5th  Grade Sports Trend     By: Abby M. Brynn B.
          What are the 5th grades sport trends? We chose to do these questions because, we wanted to know why they liked playing the sport.  Also, we asked  if it was challenging to each interviewed person. So all of these questions were answered off opinions.                   
       The questions we asked them were…

Football: 1st interviewed person :
Interviewer: “Why do you like playing football?”
Chance: “Cuz it’s fun and it’s an active sport”
Interviewer: “ Is it challenging to play football and why?”
Chance: “Depends who you’re  playing and who’s covering you.”
Interviewer: “ What is the goal?”
Chance: “ To win!”
Interviewer: “ Is it fair and why?”
Chance: “ Depends how the teams are picked”
2nd interviewed person:
Interviewer: “Why do you like playing Football?’’
Davyn: “Because it’s fun, it’s competitive, and you get to knock people out of there socks.
Interviewer: “Is it challenging to play Football and why?”
Davyn: “ I like chicken nuggets!  It’s challenging cuz,  wait!
It’s not challenging at all
Interviewer: “ What is the goal?”
Davyn: “To win”
Interviewer: “Is it fair and why?”

Davyn: “ Depends if  you're versing like the Browns then you will win x2 do not put loose.
3rd interviewed person:
Interviewer: “ Why do you like playing?”
Tate: “ Uh Uh because it’s fun and active. (laugh)”
Interviewer: “ Is it challenging to play and why?”
Tate: “It’s  challenging to some to see how far you get.”
Interviewer: “ What is the goal?”
Tate: “To win and destroy other teams.”
Interviewer: “Is it fair and why?”
Tate: “No because we win all the time.”
Soccer: 1st interviewed person
Interviewer: “ Why do you like playing?”
Memphis: “Because it’s interactive.”
Interviewer: “ Is it challenging to play and why?”
Memphis: “Yes it’s challenging because sometimes you kick people’s  shins.”
Interviewer:  “ What is the goal?”
Memphis: “Um the goal is to have more goals than the other team.”
Interviewer: Is it fair and why?
Memphis: “I’m mean really depends on the team”
Interviewer: “ Why do you like playing?”
Soccer: 2nd Interviewed person
Interviewer:  “ Why do you like playing?”
Cassady: “Because it makes my legs stronger”
Interviewer:  “ Is it challenging to play and why?”
Cassady: “No, yes actually because stop no, ok now it’s no,yes because they like to kick people’s feet and it hurts.”
Interviewer: “ What is the goal?”
Cassady: “The goal is to have fun and to win.”
Interviewer: “Is it fair and why?”
Cassady: “Well , sometimes  the fourth graders we play with and it’s not fair.”

                   We learned that the people who played these sports didn’t play just because their friends did. They did it because they like playing it.