Monday, October 23, 2017

Village Grow Garden
By: Blake W.,Colton O., and Jake M.

We went outside the other day to help Mrs. McDaniell’s with the 5th grade garden. We planted some carrots, radishes, chard, broccoli, and cauliflower. We learned about the difference between different types of plants.  For example, radishes grow above the soil while carrots grow below.  We figured out that different plants also have different lengths away from each other.  We even got to take some milkweed home! We learned about how the flower beds work.  They have a drain pipe that travels into a collection of pebbles which waters the plants from below which also allows us to not have to water the plants from above.  But, the beds are very fragile, if you ever break them just a little you’ll have to completely rebuild the bed.  Overall, we learned about the importance of growth, the difference between different plants, and how the flowers work.

1st graders learning about the Grow Garden.

5th Grade Grow Garden

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