Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Five Slime For Fun Time  
     By: Susanna H. and Wendy D.

  1. Glue
  2. Red paint
  3. Borax
  4. Shaving cream
  5. Spoon   
  6. Bowl
  7. Lotion
  8. Model Magic

The slime that we made was an  apple butter slime and this slime
had a creaming butter texture. The texture was great, but the glitter
at first felt blob like at first.   Keep kneading the slime as much as
you can. Imagine you are biting a big apple. Crunch ! The shaving
cream made the pokes sound soothing while we were playing with
the slime. Also a HUGE warning: Make sure to not let young siblings
EAT the slime .

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