Monday, February 11, 2019

                                      Pool vs Beach By Taylor and Kenna

Have you ever heard about a pool or beach?  
Well Taylor & I have! We´re writing about pool
vs a beach. A pool is full of chlorine water, and
has no waves.  Also a pool has “breaks” when
you have to get out of the pool. A break is when
you stay in the pool for 1 and a half hours then
the lifeguard will blow the whistle and you will have
to get out of the pool for 15 min.  

On the other hand, a beach has salt water and has waves. For instance, a beach has no breaks so you do not have to get out of the beach. In addition, a beach has seaweed and pools do not.  A beach has sand while pools do not. Also a beach has seashells and a pool doesn’t have seashells.  A
beach has animals and pools do not. This is a sea
turtle it lives in the ocean. I prefer a beach because
you can find all sorts of cool shells and animals.  What
do you prefer?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  

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