Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Apple ~vs~ Android
By: Arianna F and Ashlyn
Village began a program where the kids can BYOD, (Bring Your Own Device),and we wanted to find out what is the most popular device.

Apple                                    Android
71iphone apple phone cellular ...
13File:Samsung Galaxy S7 edge ...

We asked 3rd to 5th grade students (the ones with the most devices)  what their opinion about the two devices are.        
5th Grade: Apple, 22 Android, 6
4th Grade: Apple, 14 Android, 3
3rd Grade: Apple, 18 Android, 4
5th grade thought Apple was better because it was easier to use and that it was less complicated. Some people said that it reminded them of apples. Ashlyn and I thought Apple was better because it was easier to use and Android was confusing.  



  1. Not everyone agree that Apples are better i find Apple confusing and difficult to use.

  2. Apple phones are the greatest things on the planet great job arianna and Ashlyn great article.

  3. I love apple! <3 from malee

  4. Androids can be difficult at first, but once you figure out how to use them, you realize they are easier to use than Apples.
