Friday, February 3, 2017

Clowning Around
By: Dennie Decker

5th grader, Violet D. practicing
 make-up to help 3rd graders
 look great for the play! 
Bum, Bum, Ba! You heard them singing. You watched them dance. You applauded their spectacular performance. What am I talking about? I’m talking about the third grade performance of Clowns!
From the marching band to the untamed lions, every character knew their part. During rehearsals, every third grader did their best to perfect their part. Though at first, there was a lot of tension. Scenes were constantly being stopped during rehearsal due to confusion. Even though it was tough, eventually all of the tension was lost. One of the reasons Clowns was incredible was because of rehearsals. Clowns was definitely an outstanding play that put the clown in everyone. The third grade was absolutely fantastic! No doubt about it, the third grade Clowns will be one of the highlights of this school year!
The stars of the production, 'Clowns'

1 comment:

  1. I think the 3rd graders we awesome. But so were the 5th graders who helped with decorations, makeup and practice. It took the whole Village. Way to Go!
