Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Favorite Part by:
Dave Entrekin and Aaron Guzman

I was wondering one day what a teacher’s favorite part of their job is.  So, I went around the school asking what their favorite part was.In the end this is what I got.

What is your favorite part of your job?

My favorite part of being a teacher is seeing my students enthusiastic about learning. That enthusiasm helps them become better readers, writers, scientists, and mathematicians. That is exciting! - Mrs. McAnn

My favorite part of being a teacher is the kids.  I love my students.  I love talking to them and laughing with them.  I get so excited when  my students realize they actually love reading a great  book.  My most favorite thing is when we read an awesome book together in class and we get to laugh and cry.  That is the real sign of an amazing book experience...laughter and tears.  - Mrs. Glenn

My favorite part of my job is watching my students grow throughout the year. I love looking back on all the hard work and progress that they/we’ve made during the year.  As a first grade teacher most students come into my classroom as non readers and by the end of the year they are readers.  I have a great love of books and reading and my goal every year is to pass along that passion to my students. Watching this melts my heart!
-Ms. Decker
My favorite part of teaching is forming relationships with my students which in turn they feel comfortable taking risks in their learning.  Seeing smiles on faces and seeing the kids take ownership in their own learning is amazing.   As a writing teacher, I find it exciting to see the growth in the kids writing from August to May.    Mrs. Miller    

Most of the answers went along the lines of,enjoying being with the kids.  Some of the answers said that they enjoy watching the kids learn throughout the year.  As you can see, the teachers  love spending time with the students even if they are strict (that was meant for students

1 comment:

  1. Kids are definitely the best part! I especially enjoy 'Sharing Something Good!!'
