Monday, March 20, 2017

Village Food Critic
(All pizza will be cheese for no reason)
By: Ryder Case

Pizza is good pizza is yummy I want pizza in my tummy. And I also want to critique it. I went to three pizza places and eating their cheese pizza.
The first place I went to was “Fire and Ice Pizza”. Their pizza has more cheese than sauce, so if you like the cheese more, then I might recommend it. The pizza has thin crunchy crust, and in my opinion is best when hot.
The second pizza place is called “600 Degrees”. They have about an equal amount of sauce, and you can choose between deep dish, and thin crust. When you get the pizza, it is usually very hot, so I wait for it to cool off.
The last pizza place is “Double Dave’s”. “Double Dave's” is a place where on certain days you can get the buffet or just order a pizza, and they will bring it to you. Similar to “600 Degrees” you can choose between deep dish or thin crust. “Double Dave’s” has a little more sauce than cheese and has soft crust. At the buffet, you can ask for any pizza, and they will bring it out hot and ready.
All in all, my favorite place is “Double Dave’s” because of the pizza and the service. I like the sauce more and the choice of crust. Close behind was “600 Degrees”. The balance of sauce and cheese and sauce is good, but I don’t like the crust as much. My least favorite out of the three is “Fire and Ice”. It is good in all, but I personally don’t like thin crust. I like all of these places but “Double Dave’s” is my favorite. What’s yours?  Comment below!  


  1. Double Dave's is my pick, too. I love their pepperoni rolls!! YUM!

  2. I love 600 Degrees. Their pizzas are HUGE!
    This is Alex here.

  3. Fire and Ice is the best
    Noah B.

  4. False comment Noah B.!
    -Alex M.

  5. Its true fire and ice is the best

  6. Stop filling the children's heads with false facts Noah!!!
    -Alex M.

  7. Are you sure because i think thats an opinion not a fact

    Noah B

  8. Oooooohhhh so now we have the Language arts police up in here. we oh we oh we oh!
    -Alex M.

  9. Woot Woot, 600 degrees for the win!
    -Alex M.

  10. But I never said 600 degrees was better
    Noah B.

  11. To late It all ready won!
    -Alex M.

  12. But think about this did I really ever say in any of these texts 600 degrees was better? Exactly No

    Noah B.

  13. All I'm thinking about are 600 degrees' giant pizzas!
    -Alex M.

  14. And im thinking about fire and ices delicious pizza and wings.

    Noah B.

  15. Fine lets just settle on that we both like diffrent places. (mostly because my fingers are tired)
    -Alex M.

  16. 600 all the way-Samuel S.

  17. I like fire and ice it is amazing 🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕- Andrew H.

  18. Ryder is right! Double Dave's is the bomb!

  19. 600 degrees!!! ~Bailey Y.
