Friday, April 28, 2017

      5th grade Field Trip
                                       Brianna L , Ashley R , and  Caleigh W

 The 5th grade field trip was super exciting for us 5th graders.  We got to do all sorts of wonderful things; like a planetarium, a walk through time, and a make and take.  All of the rollicking tour guides taught us so much about  sound waves, extinct animals, stars, and planets.
  Then we got back on the school bus, to go eat lunch at a park. Then a Kona Ice, a snow cone  truck, came to give the whole 5th grade snow cones!!

  Finally, when everyone was done eating their snow cones, we got to play kickball!! It was so fun because ¾  of the 5th grade was playing.  In fact ,the 5th grade is still playing kickball at recess and at PE!!
Brainna & Caleigh with their snow cones

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The Park

1 comment:

  1. I would like to do that. Snow cones im in heaven. Aivree
